
Who is the right one for me?

Who is the right one for me?

Sima Auntie got you thinking?

Shhh...Don't talk about SEX!

Shhh...Don't talk about SEX!

'Sex' might well be the most-searched word on the Internet today, but it is still a topic shrouded in myth.

A couple that fights together, stays together

A couple that fights together, stays together

Yes, you heard right! Fights can be good for your relationship, provided you you observe a few rules.

Me vs. We

Me vs. We

You've moved from being single to being married or in a committed relationship. Should you focus on 'We' or 'Me'?

Towards your 'Happily Ever After'

Towards your 'Happily Ever After'

Marriage, they say, is made in heaven. But it does take a little bit of earthly effort to ensure happiness for you both.

The mosaic of marriage

The mosaic of marriage

Different expectations and opinions can be worked together for a happy marriage

Workplace Romance

Workplace Romance

A workplace romance involves two consenting adults. Does the company need to get involved?

Relationship must-have's

Relationship must-have's

Some couples seem so in sync. How do they do it? Here are some answers!

Tips for the First Date

Tips for the First Date

It could be the beginning of a new relationship - but first dates are often trickier than expected.

Emotional Infidelity

Emotional Infidelity

Infidelity is not necessarily sexual infidelity. Read on to see if you could be emotionally cheating on your partner...

Understanding Intimacy

Understanding Intimacy

A look into one of the core ingredients for a fulfilling relationship.

Secret to staying in love: love yourself

Secret to staying in love: love yourself

Do you look to your partner to feel good, to feel worthy? Here's why that needs to change.

Safety after break-up

Safety after break-up

Break-ups can be unpleasant and sometimes even risky; it is important to take safety seriously - physical and emotional.

Love Languages: More than one way to show love

Love Languages: More than one way to show love

Each one expresses love in different ways. Read more to know yours and that of your loved ones.

Blinded by a new relationship?

Blinded by a new relationship?

New relationships can be exciting but blind us too. Here are some early signs to watch out for!

The cycle of abuse

The cycle of abuse

Abuse happens in a third of all relationships. But it is rarely constant, typically going through repetitive stages.

Is this an emotional affair?

Is this an emotional affair?

Sharing emotional intimacy with someone might also be cheating.

Communicating with your partner

Communicating with your partner

Healthy communication equals a health relationship.